Monday, February 08, 2010

Inching Toward Progress

I am feeling human after taking celebrex today and yesterday. For once, the pills didn't double me over with stomach pain. The work day passed quickly. I saw the lawyer and he agreed to take my case. I think the pictures clinched the deal. (A) called the contractor a clown. I guess that's as insulting as a Harvard graduate can get. Before Friday, I have to get an estimate for all the repairs not just the replacement of the cabinets. I think the electrical work will be pricey. Anywhooooooooo, it seems I'm making progress. (A) thought he might have a ticket for me to see Garrison Keillor. He called his wife but she had already given it to someone. It was still a nice gesture. Before he hung up, she must have told him she loved him. He said, I love you too. It was touching. I suddenly realized, I couldn't remember how long it had been since I'd even heard someone say that.


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