Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Daybreak and I'm Drifting Awake

I continually drag my carcas out of bed before daybreak even when I don't have to go to work. What's up with that. Yesterday it was 3:30 am This morning I was up at 6am I turn on the tv to escape the worries that roll through my head like screen credits of a very noir film. The first thing on today's agenda was a call to the woman in payroll who I talked to yesterday and discovered the ex has retired and the checks will stop coming. Today she assured me, she will 'review' the file and get back in touch. She says his retirement check can be garnished. Oh Joy. My ex, even after all these years has no respect for the long arm of the law. When we divorced, he came to court with no attorney. He was slammed dunked. Believe me, he deserved it. My years with him resembled a scene from that movie Farrah made about domestic abuse; The Burning Bed. That was my life and it took years to recover.  Sometimes I wonder if I ever will trust anyone again. Anywhoo....I sit and wait Today I must get the hair done. I'd rather have root canal than fool with hair. I'll be tapping the rainy day fund for the time being....


At 12:57 PM , Blogger Barbara said...

Barbie, I have just read your recent posts. My prayers do go out to you that you will begin to see the workings of God in your life. A God who is able to do more than we can imagine when we trust our life and circumstances to him.


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